
Alpha & Omega Solar Consulting


From the sun on your roof to the thermostat in your home, smart power is about more than generating renewable, reliable electricity. Alpha & Omega helps you get the most from your production, storage, use and monitoring of efficient power.


Each of our projects is custom designed to maximize your power production and cost efficiency. This begins with choosing the right solar panel to fit your specific needs from our extensive supplier partnerships…

To maximize the DC to AC conversion process, we equip each of our projects with Enphase Micro Inverters, the only inverter on the market with a 25 year warranty.

Choosing an inverter technology is the most critical decision you’ll make when going solar. Solar panels may be on top, but it’s the inverter that does all the real work. Enphase is obsessive about production and reliability. Enphase Microinverters offer the most advanced inverter technology on the market, which means higher production, greater reliability.

Each Microinverter operates independently, so a shaded or dirty panel won’t affect the rest of the system’s production. Enphase’s BURST technology lets microinverters produce more from dusk till dawn and in low light conditions, even with cloud cover your system keeps producing! Enphase is second to none when it comes to solar production.

Enphase offers a 25-year warranty on all of its products, making it the only Inverter manufacturer on the market to guarantee their products for the life of the system. Traditional inverter systems need to be replaced at least once over the life of the system. Together with the Nexus 25-year power production guarantee, you’re getting the most pack for the punch in the market today.


Unirac is North America’s leading manufacturer of solar PV mounting systems. Recognized for their excellence in product development, they provide the best mounting solutions to their customers through competitively priced products, responsive customer support, integrated technology solutions, robust engineering services, certified quality, and supply-chain excellence. With 20 years of customer service, Unirac has over 5GW of experience and nearly 750,000 installations worth of knowledge, and a 25-year warranty on all of their products; partnering with Nexus & Unirac leverages experience that makes a difference.


Capturing power from the sun is a liberating step, freeing you from reliance on unreliable and expensive utilities and putting cash back in your pocket. Full independence means being able to store or generate your own power even when the sun isn’t shining. We leverage Tesla PowerWalls and efficient home generators for uninterrupted power at all times.


Powerwall is a rechargeable home battery system that lets you store solar energy generated during the day and use it at night, which allows you to self-power your home and reduce your reliance on the utility grid. 

Powerwall also protects your home from a power outage with seamless and reliable backup power. Through the Tesla mobile app, you will have full visibility and control over your self-powered home.

Powerwall is a rechargeable home battery system that lets you store solar energy generated during the day and use it at night, which allows you to self-power your home and reduce your reliance on the utility grid. Powerwall also protects your home from a power outage with seamless and reliable backup power. Through the Tesla mobile app, you will have full visibility and control over your self-powered home.


The Tesla mobile app allows you to have full visibility into your self-powered home. You can monitor your home solar generation, battery power flow, and household consumption in real-time from anywhere.


The Tesla mobile app allows you to have full visibility into your self-powered home. You can monitor your home solar generation, battery power flow, and household consumption in real-time from anywhere.


Secure your home from a power outage with reliable backup power. Powerwall is able to detect a grid outage, disconnect from the grid and bring power back to your home in a fraction of a second. That is over 100x faster than typical standby generators, and fast enough to keep your appliances running without interruption. You will not have to reset your clocks or your alarm.

Our goal is to provide backup power to your entire home. However, depending on the type of appliances at your home, we may recommend an essential load backup instead of a whole home backup.


Your entire home is backed up by our recommended number of Powerwalls. In some cases, an upgrade to your electrical panel may be needed and we will advise you if this is the case. You can add more Powerwalls to keep your house operational longer during an outage.


If your electrical situation doesn’t allow for a whole home backup, we can backup select essential loads. Since lights and outlets require less energy, a single Powerwall will typically be sufficient and a secondary electrical panel is usually required and provided by Nexus at no additional charge!


The Powerwall system consists of Powerwall and an additional supporting component called the Backup Gateway. Powerwall and the Gateway are connected to your home’s main electrical panel. The Gateway has built-in intelligence and communications, which feeds into the Tesla app to give you full visibility into your home energy usage. Depending on your choice of whole-home or partial home backup, please consult with our engineering team on what configuration may be best for your families needs.



For longer outages, or where demands call for it, we also offer Trane power generators. Trane whole-home generators are easy to use and seamlessly back up the circuits you select in the event of a power outage. When utility power is restored the transfer switch automatically transfers back to utility power, shutting down and instantly resetting itself for the next power interruption – with no action required by you.


Whether before or after switching to solar energy, it’s helpful to know how and where you’re using power, and to cut down your consumption where possible. Smart usage monitoring helps determine your needs, and keep you informed about the best ways to optimize your power consumption over time. In addition, our team can help automate all aspects of your home to save energy and add convenience.


Get the most from your solar investment by seeing how much energy you produce and when. Compare that to your home’s energy use to see how you can shift large loads and minimize what you buy from your utility. Sense Solar connects the dots and removes the guesswork.

Up to the now readings. See real-time production and usage.

Sense Solar tells you exactly how much energy you’re producing, using, and selling back to the grid continuously, in real time. Go ahead and charge your EV, it’s high noon!


Get the most from your solar investment by seeing how much energy you produce and when. Compare that to your home’s energy use to see how you can shift large loads and minimize what you buy from your utility. Sense Solar connects the dots and removes the guesswork.

Up to the now readings. See real-time production and usage.

Sense Solar tells you exactly how much energy you’re producing, using, and selling back to the grid continuously, in real time. Go ahead and charge your EV, it’s high noon!

Stay trendy. Build your home’s live energy profile

Track how much energy you’re making and using over time to see what patterns emerge. Sense Solar shows detail by day, week, month, year, and billing cycle. You might be surprised by what you learn.

Stay trendy. Build your home’s live energy profile

Track how much energy you’re making and using over time to see what patterns emerge. Sense Solar shows detail by day, week, month, year, and billing cycle. You might be surprised by what you learn.

Get to zero. Use more of what you make.

See how much electricity you consume from solar or the grid, the excess electricity you sell back, and exactly how much of your home is powered by your solar system. We want to help you get to net-zero.

Get to zero. Use more of what you make.

See how much electricity you consume from solar or the grid, the excess electricity you sell back, and exactly how much of your home is powered by your solar system. We want to help you get to net-zero.

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